Dear friends,
As of this week, Stranger Worlds is two years old! While I thoroughly enjoyed the first year, this second time around we’ve achieved a more pleasing rhythm. Some of the monthly themes were inspired by the Stranger Travellers (paid or traded subscribers), some were topics I wanted to explore, but each month we had not only four or five intriguing 3-minute reflections, but also a set that work together as a wider thematic piece. This is writing in a form I’ve really not seen anywhere else, certainly not in philosophy, which with very few exceptions has been decisively tied to long-form essays and even longer books.
Many thanks to everyone who has joined me on this journey! I hit my initial target for free subscribers in this second year, and if I wish for more folks with time for the deeper discourse, I’m still delighted that anyone wants to read my eclectic philosophical ruminations. Thank you for being here!
Hijacking the Future
For January, the theme is ‘Hijacking the Future’. What ties these pieces together is the idea that the voiding of citizen democracy we have encountered across our planet amounts to controlling the paths into the ambiguous landscape of our collective future. The passes through the mountain of times-to-come have been closed not so much by the action of a shadowy cabal of supervillains but through distortions founded upon our own commitments. To open up the possibilities for the future therefore means honestly facing how we think about the sciences, money, medicine, and energy.
How’s the Ride?
If you enjoyed anything in the last year (or indeed ever) at Stranger Worlds, I’d love to hear from you in the open comments! Today is my birthday, and it would be a fine present to hear some encouragement from my travelling companions - just click the button below to go to the comments.
Support Stranger Worlds
If you want to get involved in the discussions here, please consider becoming a paid subscriber (which is a requirement to comment). Alternatively, if you have the will and the time for the conversation but lack the money, I am always open to ‘creative barter’ in exchange for a paid subscription. I will accept anything you can make in return for a subscription, and you don’t even have to mail it to me - you can donate your creation to charity, or simply send me a photograph.
With unlimited love,
Comments to this post are open, so please let me know if you wish to join the Stranger Travellers through creative barter (instead of a paid subscription) or if have any questions.
Hi Chris,
Happy Birthday!
January One? Really?
Keep the commentary (and replies!) coming! For most of us the dominant forces in our lives are our emotions and thoughts rather than objective reality, our thoughts and feelings today will determine humankind’s near future. Will it be light or dark? Everyone has her own view and proceeds accordingly, but all can be influenced by others
Hey Chris! Happy (belated) birthday!
Thanks for keeping the thoughts and thoughtfulness flowing. Your newsletter is always appreciated by me even if it takes me days/weeks to get to reading it...